Profiles Offered

Profiles Offered

Applicant Interview Guide
A three page report that highlights, ‘what you can count on’ and the ‘red flags’. Includes Graph, Prioritized Core Strengths, Prioritized Development Comments, and Prioritized Interview Notes. See a sample.

Athlete Performance Assessment
This is a measure of your “Focus, Fire, Fear, and Faith” with development comments for each category. This report also gives you a prioritized analysis of your key sources of flow as well as your key sources of interference. See a sample.

Athlete Profile 
This product has a summary report of the person as well as a measure of your ability to “Fit in to the organization, Manage Yourself, Think and solve problems, and Lead”. You also get a prioritized list of your top ten success competencies as well as your top five key development areas. See a sample.

Composite Attitude Survey (Analysis)
This is a complete analysis of the individual based on the person’s Composite Attitude. See a sample.

Customer Service Assessment 
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 customer service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. Also includes their sources of flow as well as sources of interference, plus the Value Structure Overview and Composite Attitude Survey. See a sample.

Customer Service Synopsis 
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 customer service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample.

Customer Service Screen
Includes a graph and a synopsis of skills necessary for customer service positions, core strengths, development comments and an interview guide for use during a hiring process. See a sample.

Employability Profile
This is a one page employability report card. See a sample.

Employee Summary 
A one page ‘down and dirty’ summary of the Employee. See a sample.

Entrepreneur Analysis
This is a measure of the essentials to success and may be used in work and life. It measures “knows what to do, knows how to do it, planning and organizing, get things done, and working through others”. See a sample.

Executive Management Assessment
Includes a graph, synopsis of 57 management attributes, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample.

Executive Management Synopsis
Includes a graph, synopsis of 57 management attributes, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample.

Executive Summary 
A one page ‘down and dirty’ summary of the Executive. See a sample.

General Employability Screen
Includes a graph, synopsis of 16 skills necessary for general administrative and clerical type jobs, core strengths, development comments and an interview guide. See a sample.

Manager Assessment
Includes a graph, synopsis of 26 management dimensions, Primary and secondary development comments and counseling comments. See a sample.

Manager Synopsis
Includes a graph, synopsis of 26 management dimensions, Primary and secondary development comments and counseling comments. See a sample.

Nursing Services Assessment
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 nursing service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample.

Nursing Services Screen 
Includes a graph and a synopsis of skills necessary for nurse services, includes core strengths, development comments and an interview guide for use during a hiring process. See a sample.

Personal Competencies (skills)
This report measures your success competencies in the dimensions of “People, Task, System, and Self”. It gives you a list of your top 10 competencies and your top 5 development areas as well as a prioritized list in the above categories. See a sample.

Personal Pathfinder
Allows individuals to chart a course in life based on clear knowledge of what can be done, what they want to do and what they are willing to do. See a sample.

Personal Pathways
This allows individuals to identify their strengths (sources of flow) and also to make them aware of their blocks (sources of interference) along with suggestions that will aide the individual in becoming the best they want to be. See a sample.

Personal Performance Assessment
This is a measure of your “Focus, Fire, Fear, and Faith” with development comments for each category. This report also gives you a prioritized analysis of your key sources of flow as well as your key sources of interference. See a sample.

Personal Value Analysis
This is a measure of the essentials to success and may be used in work and life. It measures “knows what to do, knows how to do it, planning and organizing, get things done, and working through others”. See a sample.

Physician Services Assessment 
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 physician service dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample.

Physician Services Screen
Includes a graph and a synopsis of skills necessary for physician services, includes core strengths, development comments and an interview guide for use during a hiring process. See a sample.

Professional Athlete Performance Assessment
This is a measure of your “Focus, Fire, Fear, and Faith” with development comments for each category. This report also gives you a prioritized analysis of your key sources of flow as well as your key sources of interference. See a sample.

Professional Athlete Profile 
This product has a summary report of the person as well as a measure of your ability to “Fit in to the organization, Manage Yourself, Think and solve problems, and can you lead”. You also get a prioritized list of your top ten success competencies as well as your top five key development areas. See a sample.

Professional Competencies Assessment (120)
This product is a measure of 120 Competencies (skills) with a prioritized list of your top 10, as well as a prioritized list of your top 5 development competencies. See a sample.

Professional Profile 
This product has a summary report of the person as well as a measure of your ability to “Fit in to the organization, Manage Yourself, Think and solve problems, and can you lead”. You also get a prioritized list of your top ten success competencies as well as your top five key development areas. See a sample.

Professional Sports Scouting Report
This program provides the team with a scouting report on an athlete. It covers areas such as Attitudes, Problem Solving, Self Image, Motivators, and Stressors. See a sample.

Project Management Competency Assessment
This report gives a picture of how you rank in terms of the competencies required for the 9 key stages of effective project management. See a sample.

Sales Assessment
Includes a graph, synopsis of 46 sales dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. Also includes their sources of flow as well as sources of interference, plus the Value Structure Overview and Composite Attitude Survey. See a sample.

Sales Synopsis
Includes a graph, synopsis of 46 sales dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample.

Sales Screen
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 sales dimensions, core strengths, areas for development and an interview guide. See a sample.

Security Officer Assessment
Includes a graph, synopsis of 30 security officer dimensions, core strengths and primary and secondary development comments. See a sample.

Security Officer Screen
Includes a graph and a synopsis of skills necessary for security officer positions, includes core strengths, development comments and an interview guide for use during a hiring process. See a sample.

Sports Scouting Report
This program provides the team with a scouting report on an athlete. It covers areas such as Attitudes, Problem Solving, Self Image, Motivators, and Stressors. See a sample.

Value Structure Overview
A consultant-only tool which summarizes a person’s decision-making process. Very powerful when used with the Advanced Management Assessment and Personal Pathfinder above. See a sample.

To discuss your organization’s needs, call us or email