Culture and Concept Studies

Culture and Concept Studies

Culture/Concept Assessments available:

  • Customer Service
  • Ethics
  • Excellence
  • Quality
  • Work Environment
  • Leadership

Possible outcomes of this quick, simple objective measurement of people’s thinking:

  • Analysis of alignment of skill level with concept.
  • Analysis of gaps between what management sees important and what employees and/or customers see.
  • Analysis of gaps between what groups think ought to be and what is.

How people think guides their actions. If an employee’s concept of customer service is a pragmatic one, they are likely to pay attention to efficient, fast delivery of the product or service. If the customer’s concept of service is more personal, however, they might feel they did not receive good service even though they received efficient, fast service. They were looking for a little more relationship building, perhaps.

The person serving had good intentions. But in order to ensure that service delivered is consistent with service desired, the employee/service provider needs to have the same concept of customer service as the customer, or at least understand how the other’s concept differs.

How do you measure this difference in concepts? One way is to ask people what customer service means to them. This will yield good results IF the people asked are both clear on what their concept is and able to articulate it. This requires more introspection than many people possess.

A better way to measure it is through measurement of their valuing process as it applies to the concept. This we do quickly and easily through a technology similar to the Hartman Value Profile technology. The process takes roughly 15 minutes to complete and yields in-depth data on what the person or group means by customer service, what dimensions are the most important to them, and where they see the gaps in the service being delivered.

How customers or employees see a concept like service does not stand alone. An organization’s decision strengths should align with the particular service emphasis required. For example, someone could have a clear concept that service performed should involve expressions of respect for the customer, and this is indeed what the customer desires as well, yet the server tends to deal critically and impatiently with people. Discovering the alignment or lack of it between skill level and concept aids dramatically in pinpointing development targets that will have high leverage for impact.

To find out more about culture and concept studies for your organization, call or email Dr. Connor at